Leading Indian Art Gallery | Gurgaon | Delhi



GR Iranna


G R Iranna is an artist of reinvention who transforms his art and medium with the exigencies of the political turmoil that engulfs him. Like all artists who aspire beyond the mediocre, his works capture the zeitgeist of the times he lives in and yet transcends the boundaries of time and space. Born in 1970 in the Sindgi, District of Bijapur, Karnataka, he currently lives and works in New Delhi. Brought up in the environs of a humble ashram to a family of Shaivaite believers, GR Iranna retains a moral compass attainted at a young age in his art. This is evident in his acrylic works done on tarpaulin, titled “Ethereal Tree” and “Lofty Tree” where he engages with ash as a substance and essence in his works. In Shaivaite traditions, a new born child is anointed with ash to mark how central, mortality is to our existence. His use of the medium is also in essence homage to this thought. His paintings are known to be removed from a postmodern logic and engage in the usage of representative modernist language of Indian contemporary art.


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GR Iranna
8 x 8 inches

Mixed medium on paper


8 x 8 inches

Mixed medium on paper


8 x 8 inches

Acrylic on Tarpaulin sheet


8 x 8 inches

Acrylic on Canvas


8 x 8 inches

Acrylic on Canvas


40 x 52 inches

Watercolour on Paper


42 x 54 inches

Watercolour on Paper
