This series embodies my ongoing exploration of what I refer to as 'human-scapes,' reflecting my observations and reflections on contemporary society. It acts as a mirror, revealing the dystopian essence of our times. In an era marked by rampant hatred and betrayal, the aspiration for a brighter future seems to wane. While a future exists, its complexion remains uncertain. The agents of change appear ominous, and the vision is obscured as we search for traces of humanity. What remains are echoes and lessons of truths waiting to be rediscovered. If we listen to these simple truths, perhaps there's still a chance for clarity in our skies.
The prevailing darkness, both literal and metaphorical, stems from the calamities we inflict upon ourselves. This pervasive gloom threatens to erase the horizon of hope unless we return to the fundamental principle of equality. It's imperative to revisit history and understand the origins of social justice and democracy. When personal greed and inhumanity become ingrained in society, we teeter on the edge of another collapse, a recurring pattern that historically burdens the most oppressed and dispossessed.
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