Leading Indian Art Gallery | Gurgaon | Delhi

Indian contemporary artist, senior modern painter, known Printmaker from Baroda. College of MSU

Naina Dalal, born in 1935.  With an illustratious career spanning solo exhibitions, group showcases and retrospective display of her works, Naina Dalal has left an indelible mark on the golabl art scene. Her accolodes includes numerous awards and fellowships reflecting her outstanding contribution to the world of art. Dalal's art works adorns public and private collections across India and abroad including prestigious institutions like the Victoria and Albert Museum in London and the Berlin Museum of Indian Art. 

Balancing  her time between graphics and paintings Dalal's oeuvre often centers around the human figure particulalrly women serving as emotive vessels of pain and emotions. Her paintings, graphics, characterised by frontel represetnations resonate with viewers offering a poginatnt exploration of humanist experience and emotions. 


Bachelors of Fine Arts Faculty of Fine Arts, Vadodara

Masters from Faculty of Fine Arts, Vadodara.

London Polytechnique and Pratt Graphic in New York (Lithography and Etching).